The Making of an Alpha Female (Post-Feminist sensibilities)

Ezeonyeka Godswill
3 min readJan 24, 2021


The turn of the century brought us many things in the form of “development” but one could most certainly see that it seems that we are taking more steps backward than we are taking forward. The feminist discourse quite clearly sought out virtues such as equality, identity, recognition, and self-determination but they are now replaced by a more nuanced idea that promotes happiness, responsibility, and lean-in. Like many poststructural discourses, postfeminism has very deep roots in neoliberalism and its affects. A good example is the phenomenon of the alpha female peddled in the media especially through super-hero movies and games.

One would look at the inclusion of more females in superhero franchises as a good thing but on closer inspection, we find a troubling system that further undermines the woman under the disguise of empowerment. The very evident sexualization of these characters is telltale of its post-feminist origins but it goes further to reinstate gender normative ideas of what it means to be feminine. It then comes as no shock that even in real life the actresses that play these characters are chosen based on body types and the media seems obsessed with this too. This interview of Scarlett Johansson who plays ‘The Black Widow’ on the Marvel Franchise succinctly depicts the effects of postfeminism in this industry.

See video here >>>

Reading through Rosalind Gill’s work on mediated intimacy and postfeminism, I have come to terms with critical ways of pointing out the defining characteristics of a post-feminist ideology namely sexual subjectification, individualism, the makeover paradigm amongst others. I also found the relationship between postfeminism and neoliberalism quite fascinating which makes me wonder if post-feminism is a capitalist-driven or sexist-driven hoax?

As a concept, post-feminism intrigues me. Going through the thoughts outlined in the reading gave me a sense of concern in how the media is playing a role to reemphasize cultural dynamics that directly goes against itself. The discourse of the alpha female as strong but sexual, decisive but submissive, working-class but family-friendly, and many more juxtapositions is in many ways defeating as it is frustrating.

It does help however to point these inconsistencies out. I would believe that what should follow is a resurgence of social reconstructions that don’t just give women a hand-out but solves the systemic issues that unduly give men an unfair advantage over their female counterparts.


Evans, A. and Riley, S. (2017) “‘He’s a Total TubeCrush’: Post-Feminist Sensibility as Intimate Publics”. Feminist Media Studies 18 (6), 996–1011

Gill, R. (2009) “Mediated Intimacy and Postfeminism: A Discourse Analytic Examination of Sex and Relationships Advice in a Women’s Magazine”. Discourse & Communication 3 (4), 345–369

Virginás, A. (2018) “Feminism as Natural Anachronism in Wonder Woman”. European Journal of Women’s Studies 25 (4), 484–487



Ezeonyeka Godswill

I am a learner and executor. As a creative, purpose is why I write and create and profit is why I love to present my clients in the best light possible.